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William Escobar is a young Piandan lord in Betrayal in Antara. He is one of the game's player characters, and the first major character to appear.


William is the third and youngest son of Lord Nathan Escobar, governor of Pianda. He is affianced in a loveless, though not quite hostile, political arrangement to Selana Sheffield, a union intended to create an alliance between their houses. He had the Feeblepox as a boy and was saved by the assiduous care of his sister, while another brother died of it.


On the way home from a trip to Januli to meet Selana, William's ship is attacked by pirates and abandoned by all on board. William rows for shore with a fellow passenger, the joyman Gregor, but their lifeboat is attacked by a griffin who seems particularly keen on killing his companion.

The two reach land with Gregor grievously injured. Dreadfully outmatched by the griffin, they are saved by an unexpected blast of magic from Aren Cordelaine. Realizing that Aren is a newly-manifested mage, William convinces him that he must have a teacher in order to wield his powers safely and takes responsibility for conveying him to Mage Finch, agreeing that they can stop at Briala on the way to let Aren's parents know what has happened.

Gregor, dying of his wounds, mutters something about "the Consort" and presses a mysterious medallion into his hands. Concerned for Antara's safety, William resolves to solve this mystery as well.

Chapter 1[]
