Betrayal Wiki
Makala, a bald headed elderly Tsurani human with a cloud of white hair and beard reaching to his upper chest. He wears a voluminous robe of pitch black and holds a staff of light colored wood in his right hand. The staff has a binding of black cord near its head. Makala is standing in a stony area with a background shaded in blue.


Makala is a Tsurani Great One in Betrayal at Krondor. He first appears at the end of Chapter 1.


A man of remarkable intensity and great mental resources, Makala is a member of the Tsurani Assembly of Magicians. Dressed in the mode of a Great One, he always wears a voluminous black robe that hides his otherwise frail frame.

Since the Riftwar, Makala has been an avid student of the war between the Tsurani and the Kingdom of the Isles, spending a great deal of time visiting with Master Magician Pug discussing historical and magical issues.

Chapter 1[]

Sumani relates that Makala and Prince Arutha have been discussing the establishment of a permanent rift to encourage trade between the Kingdom and Kelewan.

Recently, a valuable ruby was stolen from his entourage, most likely by grey warriors who slipped into the Kingdom before the recent closure of the rift gate. According to Captain Belford, Makala has been "throwing his weight around" trying to retrieve the ruby. A reward has been offered, and Belford appreciates any help the party might give him in resolving the matter.

Chapter 2[]

As Gorath is interrogated by Gamina, Makala, sitting next to Pug in the council meeting, also probes Gorath's mind and confirms his good faith. Makala notes that Emperor Ichindar doesn't wish for war in the Kingdom as the rift-making secret would fall to the hands of barbarians, and that would disrupt trade between the Kingdom and Kelewan. Makala also asked what Gorath would benefit from breaking his oath and betraying Delekhan to the Kingdom, and Gorath described his hatred for Delekhan and the harm he does to the northern tribes.

The other day, Makala went walking with Pug to discuss magic.

Chapter 6[]

Makala visits Pug at the Palace on a stormy day. After a brief exchange about Tsurani poetry, Makala questions Pug's loyalties, citing his marriage and Arutha's influence to pronounce his judgment suspect. Describing the Assembly as "troubled" by anti-traditionalists who embrace Pug's Midkemian values, Makala declares that Pug's defiant protection of Gamina would weaken its position in the Empire, forcing it to ensure his compliance with the Tsurani tradition that only male magicians be allowed to live. He reveals that he has placed Gamina in exile until the Assembly can decide upon her fate, advising Pug to leave her in hiding and warning that seeking her will avail him little and further interference will ensure that she is sentenced to death. This message delivered, he leaves Pug furious and determined to find Gamina.

Chapter 8[]

Pug theorizes that Delekhan must have been given Murmandamus's dragon-shaped helm, described by Gorath after his arrival at Krondor, by someone who had retrieved it from the Sethanon Caverns, identifying Makala as the likeliest one of the only four people who could have slipped through its defenses. He notes Makala's indefatigable interest in the secrets below Sethanon and deduces that Delekhan's invasion was arranged as a distraction so that Makala could reach its interior chambers.

Chapter 9[]

Sprite of Makala, a white haired and white bearded human in a long black cloak and robe, wielding a staff.

Makala in battle.

Makala is armed with a Staff of Macros and protected by Dragon Plate Armor.

As a magician, he can cast four spells: Grief of a Thousand Nights, Flamecast, Mindmelt, and Unfortunate Flux.[1] He is immune to Grief of a Thousand Nights, Flamecast, Unfortunate Flux, Invitation, Touch of Lims-Kragma, Despair Thy Eyes, Thoughts Like Clouds, and Strength Drain. He can be frozen for half the normal amount of time, though not damaged, by Fetters of Rime, and takes half the normal amount of damage from Mindmelt, Evil Seek, Gambit of the Eight, Firestorm, and Wrath of Killian.[2]

