Betrayal Wiki

The Great Empire of Kesh, often known simply as Kesh, is a Midkemian empire in Betrayal at Krondor.


Kesh has a long history of conflict with the Kingdom of the Isles, and much southern Kingdom land once belonged to the Empire. The city of Krondor was once a trading outpost in Keshian Bosania; the Idol of Lassur was buried under the Krondor sewers when the city was Keshian. The keep which later became Sarth was originally maintained by a Keshian robber-baron who was eventually assassinated by the local peasantry. Sarth itself is a Keshian name. A series of famous skirmishes between the Empire and the Kingdom's garrison at Shamata is recorded in Accts of Shamata Garrison and logistics of a historical siege there is a popular academic topic.

One area which remains Keshian is the Jal-Pur Desert, a "hellish region", known for both a brotherhood of Keshian thief assassins called the Gedajii and the unique variety of marbled soapstone.

The brothers of Ishap originated in Kesh, and Keshian raiders from the Sea of Dreams stopped raiding Malac's Cross when frightened residents relocated the center of town from the Oracle of Aal to the Abbaye Ishap.

Kesh is currently ruled by Empress Lakeisha. Trading disagreements have caused the value of Kingdom coin to fluctuate in the past five years. The Father Patriarch of the Temple of Tith receives daily reports on a series of battles near the Confederacy south of Kesh. He believes Empress Lakeisha's superior forces will soon crush the rebellion there.

Known Keshians

  • Empress Lakeisha
  • Lord Hazra-Khan
  • Abuk



Chapter 5

During this time period, King Lyam is occupied doing diplomacy with Kesh after a Kingdom ship mistook an Imperial frigate for a pirate ship and sunk it with all hands aboard, leaving Lord Hazra-Khan apoplectic.

Chapter 6

Abbot Graves leaves Malac's Cross for Kesh.


  • Abuk is Keshian mentions a local proverb: A man cannot see that has gold in his eyes, a man will not look that has sin in his heart.
  • Keshian "dog soldiers" are famously dangerous. Pokiir is the latest craze among them.
  • Kesh has a tradition in chess: Brother Marc studies the chess gambits of the ancient Keshian game masters. The en passah move, although forgotten in the Kingdom, is recorded in an old book in Abbaye Ishap, written in Keshian. The Knight's Piece is made of Jal-Purian soapstone.
  • Informed that Locklear is a friend of Jimmy the Hand, Limm derisively guesses that "Next you'll be telling me you've lain with the Empress Lakeisha of Kesh."
  • Jason mentions that sometimes sailors from Kesh smell like flowers.
  • Taverngoers in the Northlands tend to believe that Delekhan should hire Keshians instead of Quegians to improve the standard of the drinks stocked there.