Betrayal Wiki

The Church of the Triune is a three-armed religious organization devoted to worship of a Ramar deity, the Triune. It is the most widespread religion in the Antaran Empire in Betrayal in Antara. Information and blessings are available at its temples.



The original Shepherd Garrison, now a Temple of Kor, in Januli.

After the Grrrlf War, a garrison was established in the Harkune Mountains to make sure the neighboring Grrrlf kept their treaty with human-held lands. Brother Kenneth, a priest of Kor, points out the thick, old walls of his monastery and explains that these buildings were the original Shepherd stronghold: "As the years passed in peace, the men turned from warcraft to more intellectual pursuits. It was to these noble, isolated people that the Triune first spoke, and the garrison became the first home of the Brothers of Kor."

When the Antaran Empire was founded, Valorian I convinced the priesthood of the Triune that their faith could be more successfully spread in a unified, protected territory.


The Church is divided into three priesthoods, known as Arms, one for each Face: the Brothers of Kor, the Sisters of Senaedrin, and the Children of Henne. Each Arm is led by a Revered Hand, a High Brother or Sister who advises and sets policy for the Arm. Novices care for groups of children at their monastaries, whether fostered or living there permanently.

Monastaries, tabernacles, and temples are found throughout the Empire. Those bound by their vows are required to be celibate, and, if discovered to be married, "cannot live as man and wife."

A custom of fostering the children of nobles at Triunal temples "for education and spiritual indoctrination" dates back to before the Empire's founding. The Hand of Kor recently convinced the Emperor to reject the current Hand of Henne's plan to extend the fostering system to commoner children. The system starts all children with Priests of Henne and then sends them, divided by gender, to Temples of Kor or Senaedrin as they grow older.
