Betrayal Wiki

Durst is a town in Chuno, part of the Antaran Empire, in Betrayal in Antara. It is first visited in Chapter 4.

History and Geography

Durst was absorbed into the Antaran Empire along with Old Chuno. Chunese tree-reverence has a long history in Durst.

Durst is west of Friole and east of the fork between Camille and the Ciaran Pass. A forest surrounds the road west of town, extending north toward a system of canyons that leads to the Waste. Durst in Old Chuno, very near to the Waste, and at least one Chuman family has been residing there since the disaster.

The Coach from Durst serves Isten, Burlen, and Korus Landing. (In Chapter 5, taking a coach out of Durst locks the player out of Chuno and prevents finishing the chapter. In Chapter 7, the coach only serves Isten and Burlen, and is one way to get across the westward river.)



Food: Rations, Cheese. Rooms are available.


Stocks: Steadfast Tonic, Senwater, Fidali Paste, Shovels, Herbal Powder, Razorcup Nectar, Irthinide. Also Buys: Talicor Dust, Frostbands, other enhancers.


